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Who You Work With Matters

I just got back from a conference in California where there were over 4,500 agents from around the world.

I spent a lot of time talking to probably 30 or 40 different agents and they were all talking to us around the country and I really had probably three key takeaways that I learned that all of us really had in common.

  • Number one, they all care so much about the results they produce for their clients. They care so much, it’s really important.
  • Number two, they all go above and beyond in terms of service. There’s so much distraction and noise in the real estate industry right now between online marketers and Zillow and Trulia and that you really need someone that you can truly trust that’s going to do a good job for you and all of us in this group believe that we can do it better.
  • Number three, all of us understand that we are getting hired to market and sell your property and so we spent the four days of this conference learning all these different tactics from people from New York City and Milan and China and all these places and really compiling them into a category all of its own and I’m super excited because I’m coming back to Crested Butte with this arsenal of over 16 different marketing techniques to sell your home.


I’m sharing all this with you today because everybody has a choice when it comes to picking out a real estate agent and I believe that the agent that has the right tools that cares as much as I care and provides enough value to you and your life is going to be the agent you need to work with.

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If you have any questions about the local real estate market, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Signature Properties Ebner & Associates is your destination for Crested Butte real estate and Crested Butte real estate agents.